Availability of 5 GHz WLAN Channels in India under unlicensed band
In India, Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of Department of Telecom, under Ministry of Communication takes care of licensing of radio frequencies.
In the latest National Frequency allocation plan 2018 (https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/NFAP%202018.pdf), Government of India (GoI), exempted the licensing requirements of the following radio frequency ranges for wireless usage and a gazette notification has also published for this (https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/License%20Exemption%20in%205%20GHz%20G_S_R_1048%28E%29%20dated%2022nd%20October%2C%202018_0.pdf)
- 5150-5250
- 5250-5350
- 5470-5725
- 5725-5875
- Use of frequency bands 5150-5250 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz and 5725-5875 MHz for Wireless access services (WAS) and Radio Local Area networks (RLANs) have been exempted from licensing requirement as per conditions notified vide GSR No. G.S.R. 1048(E) dated 18.10.2018
- https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/NFAP%202018.pdf
- https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/License%20Exemption%20in%205%20GHz%20G_S_R_1048%28E%29%20dated%2022nd%20October%2C%202018_0.pdf
- “maximum power spectral density” means the maximum power within the specified measurement bandwidth, within the device operating band; measurements in the 5 725-5 875 MHz band are made over a bandwidth of 500 kHz; measurements in the 5 150-5 250 MHz, 5 250-5 350 MHz, and 5 470-5 725 MHz bands are made over a bandwidth of 1 MHz or 26 dB emission bandwidth of the device, whichever is less;